© King Performance Ideology 2025. All Rights Reserved.
Please fill out this form in as much detail as possible and ensure you fill out all mandatory fields before submitting
What is your name?*
What is your email?*
What is your phone number?*
What is your gender?
What is your date of birth?
What is your sport?
What is your position?
What is your team (if relevant)?
What is your team contact name (if relevant)?
What is your Team contact number (if relevant)?
What level do you compete at?
What previous teams / clubs have you played for (if relevant)?
Do you currently have any injuries, knocks or niggles?
Have you had any previous surgeries?
Current medication
Medical history/conditions
Please detail as much information as possible on any previous injuries in:
How many times do you train (for your sport only) per week?
What time do you usually train?
How many times do you train (individually, gym etc.) per week?
How many times do you compete (matches) per week?
What type of training outside of your sport do you do (strength, power, recovery)?
What are your biggest athletic / physical strengths?
What are your biggest athletic / physical weaknesses?
What sport specific skills do you want to improve on?
How do you think we can help and what do you most want to get out of signing up to our app?
Is there any other information that you want to provide?
I am voluntarily choosing to participate in any prescribed exercise and acknowledge that it comes with a risk of injury and/or illness.
I understand that every effort is made by KPI to prevent and protect me as an athlete from any form of injury or illness.
I am aware that injuries may include, but are not limited to, heart problems, muscle strains, ligament sprains, bone fracture or complete break, or any other illness or soreness, including death.
I agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries, or damage which I may incur as a result of or related to any of the prescribed exercise.
I agree to concede full responsibility for any financial expenses which may incur as a result or related to any injuries or damage related to any of the prescribed exercise.
I have read the above waiver and release of liability and fully understand its contents. I voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions stated above.
By submitting this form, you agree to be bound by these Terms & Conditions. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, you must not use our services.
If you're struggling to submit this form please make sure you've filled out all mandatory fields on all pages
Nail your pre-season training for the the football season wherever you are in the world